It is with great pleasure that we thank our sponsors! Without them we'd have to charge for the festival and charge more for the show, and things would be way less fun.
The Kingston Chapter of the Awesome Foundation provided a $1000 grant that helped us afford larger gym space, so we could invite all of Kingston to come and juggle with us!
Prizes for our raffles and for other purposes were donated by these fine merchants. Please support them, and tell them we sent you!
Higgins Brothers, “manufacturers and distributors of a complete line of juggling equipment since 1994.”
Goudurix, “...as the largest North American distributor of world-renowned Mr Babache™ products, Goudurix™ offers a complete mid to high end juggling product line.”
Flying Clipper, “the world's leading designer of high-quality handmade juggle balls and footbags.”
Bedford Unicycles “providing quality unicycles and outstanding service since 1988.”
Drop Props “are are high quality, handmade juggling balls made from 100% cotton canvas and filled with plastic pellets.”